D-Day 75 Commemorations – Then and Now

HMS Collingwood and D-Day Veteran Frank Baugh, 95, spoke to the assembled at Bayeaux War Cemetery, on 6 June 2019, about his experience 75 years. His vivid, abiding memory was of the slaughter of soldiers he had taken to the Normandy Beaches, in his landing craft. Cut down as they left his craft. He was unable to help them. He moved his audience to tears. His achingly painful description was interrupted, for me, by the doorbell ringing.

Gosport D-Day Memorial at Hardway. Copyright Anne Grant.

Gosport D-Day Memorial at Hardway. Inscription: Our everlasting gratitude to those brave men.

Delivery day for a very large parcel and a jolt back to the trivialised present day reality.
The burly delivery man placed the package just inside the porch.
He said he couldn’t risk stepping inside the front door with the package, in case he tripped and injured him. Not covered by his company, he said.
Heaven help us!
What must the D-Day Veterans think of today’s Britain?
We definitely won’t see their like again. We will remember them.


D-Day 75 at Daedalus, Solent Airport, weekedn of 8 and 9 June 2019

D-DAY 75 at Daedalus June 8 and 9, 2019

To commemorate the anniversary of the D-Day Landings, which took place 75 years ago on 6 June 1944, an event will take place at Solent Airport, Lee-on-the-Solent, on the weekend of 8 and 9 June, 2019.

Five years ago a similar event was staged at the same venue.

In addition to the airfield displays, the town of Lee joined in with style.

The High Street was transported back to the era.

Lee High Street shop window of Navy Uniforms dressed for D-Day 70 Commemorations

Lee High Street shop window of Navy Uniforms dressed for D-Day 70. Copyright Anne Grant.

Shops and businesses made their own creative mark on the occasion.

Jitterbug Jivers, Lee High Street, D-Day 70, Lee on the Solent

Jitterbug Jivers, Lee High Street, D-Day 70. Copyright Anne Grant.

Re-enactors looked the part.

Jitterbug dancers and singers got everyone in the mood.

Charity stall holders all added to the atmosphere.

Here is a selection of images from that day.

A 1947 Chevrolet PFF 437 in Lee on the Solent High Street.

Chevrolet PFF 437 in Lee on the Solent High Street, 3rd June 2014. Copyright Anne Grant.

This year a weekend of festivities is planned by Fareham Borough Council at the airfield, which includes static aircraft displays, music, children’s motor cycle display team, vintage cars, stalls, some flying aircraft, and much more.

Watch this space for more news.